खेरवाड़ा को खेरवाड़ा छावनी क्यू कहते है ?| Why kherwara called kherwara chhaoni ?

by Author Aayush Parmartoday

kherwara blog

जब हमारा देश अंग्रेजों का गुलाम था तब अंग्रेज लोग खेरवाड़ा को छावनी के तोर पर इस्तेमाल करते थे तब से इसे खेरवाड़ा छावनी के तोर पर जाना जाता है | फिर धीरे धीरे जमाना बीता और हमारा देश आजाद हुआ , लोग बदले और खेरवाड़ा छावनी को सिर्फ खेरवाड़ा ही पुकारने लगे |

Kherwara History

Explore the rich cultural heritage of Kherwara


Kherwara is a town located in the Udaipur district of Rajasthan, India. The town has a rich cultural heritage, with a history dating back to ancient times. Kherwara has been inhabited by various tribes and communities over the years, and has played an important role in the history of Rajasthan.

Early History

The earliest known inhabitants of Kherwara were the Bhils, an indigenous tribe that still lives in the area today. The Bhils were skilled hunters and gatherers, and lived off the natural resources of the region. The Bhils are known for their unique culture and traditions, and have played an important role in shaping the culture of Kherwara.

In the 8th century, Kherwara was part of the Mewar kingdom, which was ruled by the Guhilot Rajputs. The Rajputs were a warrior caste that originated in Rajasthan, and played a prominent role in the region's history. During this period, Kherwara was an important strategic town that was used to control trade routes between Gujarat and Rajasthan.

In the 14th century, Kherwara was ruled by the Sisodia Rajputs, who were known for their architectural achievements. One of the most significant architectural achievements of this period was the construction of the Kumbhalgarh Fort by Rana Kumbha in the 15th century. The fort was built to protect the Mewar kingdom from invaders, and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Medieval History

During the medieval period, Kherwara was a strategic town located on the trade route between Gujarat and Rajasthan. The town was ruled by various Rajput clans, including the Sisodiyas and the Rathores. The Rathores were known for their valor and bravery, and played an important role in the history of Rajasthan.

In the 18th century, Kherwara was part of the Maratha Empire, which ruled over much of India. The Marathas were eventually defeated by the British, and Kherwara became part of British India in the 19th century. The British established a number of institutions in Kherwara, including schools and hospitals, which helped to improve the standard of living in the town.

Modern History

After India gained independence in 1947, Kherwara became part of the state of Rajasthan. The town has since developed into a hub for agriculture and small-scale industry, and continues to be an important part of Rajasthan's cultural heritage.

Kherwara is also known for its unique festivals and fairs, which celebrate the town's cultural heritage. One of the most important festivals in Kherwara is the Bhil Jatra, which is celebrated in honor of the Bhiltribe. The festival is a colorful and vibrant affair, with traditional music, dance, and food. The Bhil Jatra is a symbol of the unity and diversity of Kherwara's cultural heritage.


Kherwara has a rich and diverse cultural heritage that is reflected in its history, architecture, and festivals. From the ancient Bhil tribe to the modern agricultural hub, Kherwara has played an important role in the history of Rajasthan. The town's cultural heritage is a source of pride for its residents and a testament to the enduring legacy of Rajasthan's rich history.


  • Kherwara
  • Rajasthan
  • History
  • Bhil
  • Rajputs
  • Maratha Empire
  • British India
  • Bhil Jatra

kherwara chhaoni history 

1857 की क्रान्ति मे यह पर यहा पर खेरवाड़ा छावनी थी |

यह पर यहा मेवाड़ भीलकोर स्थित था |पर इस क्रांति मे खेरवाड़ा और ब्यावर ने भाग नही लिया | 

When our country was the slave of the British, then the British people used to use Kherwara on the side of the cantonment, since then it is known as Kherwara cantonment. Then slowly the era passed and our country became independent, people changed and started calling Kherwara Cantonment only as Kherwara. 

 खेरवाड़ा ( kherwara udaipur rajasthan) एक एतिहासिक जगह है इसलिए दुनिया भर मे इसे खेरवाड़ा न कह कर इसे खेरवाड़ा छावनी के नाम से जाना जाता है | Kherwara is a historical place, so it is known as Kherwara Cantonment, instead of calling it Kherwara all over the world.

Meaning Of kherwara ( kherwara - udaipur)

खेरवाड़ा का नाम यह के खैर नाम के पेड़ों से पड़ा है जो यह पर सबसे ज्यादा बड़ी मात्रा मे पाए जाते है |

खेरवाड़ा कितना किलोमीटर है ?

खेरवाड़ा उदयपुर से 80 किलोमीटर दूर है |

खेरवाड़ा छावनी कहा है ?

खेरवाड़ा छावनी भारत देश के राजस्थान राज्य के उदयपुर जिले मे है | ये उदयपुर जिले की एक तहसील है और एक एटिहासिक जगह है |

Who is MLA of kherwara?

Dr. dayaaram Parmar

Which mineral is found in Kherwara Rajasthan?

Soapstone and Asbestos, Green Marble

How many Tehsil are there in Udaipur district?

15 tehsil and kherwara one of the.

For kherwara Tahsil 

why kherwara called kherwara chhaoni?

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Kherwara न बल्कि सिर्फ एक बहुत बड़ा क्षेत्र है बल्कि यह पर लगभग 2 लाख से भी ज्यादा लोग भी रहते है | और यह के लोगों को एक बेहतर भविष्य मिल सके इसलिए खेरवाड़ा एजुकेशन की स्थापना की गई है |       

kherwara blog

Kherwara Entertainmen  

Made in kherwara| made by kherwara comedy | For kherwara tahsil | आज ही खेरवाड़ा मनोरंजन का मजा ले और दिल खोल कर मजा करे |  


हमारी टीम हर समय आपकी मदद करने को तैयार है |

Aayush Parmar Kherwara

Aayush Parmar 


I am Developer and Blogger of kherwara and oudaipur.tech website . Also I am freelancer blogger , App developer , youtube chennal Builder and set-up, Android UI maker , YouTube Video Set-up And all other Digital program I can set. You can Search @iamaayushparmar to know more about me. Thank You.    

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Kherwara App 


खेरवाड़ा उदयपुर जिले की एक तहसील है जिसमे 195 गावों मे 2 लाख से भी ज्यादा लोग रहते है और Kherwara App को खेरवाड़ा तहसील के लिए बनाया गया | जिससे खेरवाड़ा तहसील के लोग आपस मे जुड़ सके | और साथ ही आप खेरवाड़ा एप की मदद से शॉपिंग भी कर सकते है | और अपना पुराना सामान बेचने के साथ साथ खरीद भी  सकते है |




Oudaipur.tech ये उदयपुर जिले की एक वेबसाईट है जो उदयपुर और उदयपुर के तहसीलो और उदयपुर के गावों के बारे मे जानकारी देती है | ईस वेबसाइट पर आप उदयपुर जिले के बारे बहुत कुछ जान सकते है |



Our Dream

ईस कंपनी ,वेबसाइट का उद्देश्य उदयपुर जिले के लोगों को उदयपुर मे रहकर काम करने और उदयपुर को पूरे राजस्थान मे ही नहीं बल्कि पूरे भारत मे , पहले स्थान पर लाना है | पूरे दुनिया मे इसे एक अलग पहचान मिले | और अगर आप साथ है तो जल्द ही हमारा सपना पूरा हो जाएगा |